

Employer Sponsored Visa Options

  • Australia allows immigration under Employer Sponsored Visa and there are several categories under which Employer Sponsored Visa is issued. In this category, the employer’s profile is scrutinised to ensure the sponsor meets all requisites required as by the immigration law of Australia.
  • In this category, Temporary Work Short Stay Specialist Visa under subclass 400 is issued to those who are sponsored by a company for short duration projects which requires highly skilled workmen. This validity of this Visa is for about 3-6 months and there is provision for extension.
  • Training Visa is issued under subclass 407 for full-time job and on the job training. This Visa is issued to those who have minimum of a year of full-time job experience in the related field for which the employer has nominated the candidate. The candidate also needs to acquire an average IELTS score of 4.5. This Visa is valid for 12 months with a scope to renew.
  • Temporary Skill Shortage is issued under Subclass 482 to candidates from about 500 different profession. This category of Visa is valid for 2-4 years which depends on the field of occupation. Candidates who have business sponsorship approval for 5 years can also apply in this category.
  • There is no age bar for candidates. It applies for all registered and lawfully operating business, including start-ups. The sponsor needs to ascertain the fact that it has required funds for business expenses and salaries to employees. Candidates applying in this category need to prove related skill and qualifications required for the occupation and a minimum of 2 years of job experience.
  • . The applicant also needs to have IELTS score of 5 average with a minimum score of 4.5 in each component. The candidate will require to undergo skills assessment and employer need to pay remuneration as per prevailing pay package in the profession.
  • The salary to be paid by employer shouldn’t be lower than $53,900 apart from superannuation and additional pay for overtime. The sponsor employers need to ascertain the fact that there is a genuine requirement of the skilled candidate. Apart from these, there may be cases where more details about the sponsor employer such as business plan and organizational structure, advertisement of the required position and other information may be sought by Department of Immigration.
  • As part of the Visa application in this category, there are three stages. In the first stage, Standard Business Sponsorship application needs to be furnished. Employer need to seek approval to sponsor an overseas worker. A company can obtain sponsorship approval for 5 years for several workers.
  • The stage two involves nomination application where the candidate for the skilled occupation need employer nomination. And the third stage involves Visa application where personal details of worker need to be submitted.
  • Visa holders in this category may later avail Employer Sponsored Permanent residency in case of specific skilled occupations and for those with 3 years of experience or more. In cases of Visa holders under subclass 457 obtained earlier to 18 March 2018, the required job experience is 2 years to get permanent residency apart from other requirements.
  • There are several Visa options available under this category, apart from which there is also provision for to get Visa under work rights. Recently there have been some amendments in skilled occupation list and each Visa subclass now has several occupations under it including extra requirements for many occupations. Aspireglobal has Immigration Experts who can provide minute details related to various occupation Visa options suitable to one after evaluation of profile of a candidate.